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Dress Code

The following requirements are applicable to both male and female students except where indicated:

  • Students are expected to wear clothing that fits.  They should not be too tight or oversized.  
  • Fads and styles which differ from conventionally accepted standards, such as pants with slogans/writings across the buttocks are not allowed.
  • Clothing which resembles loungewear, pajamas, or underwear is prohibited.
  • Undergarments may not be exposed at any time.  
  • Clothing should not display inappropriate items such as language or symbols oriented toward violence, sex, drugs, alcohol, hate, profanity, tobacco, gangs, etc. 

Dress Code Disciple

Students will be allowed to change.  If student does not have appropriate clothing, he/she will sit in ISS until clothing is brought to the school.  Consistent violation of the school dress code can result in suspension. 

The principal shall have the authority to make case by case determinations for the appropriateness of dress which is not covered in this policy.